Highway between Assyria, Egypt and Israel…….


0. Introduction

There are today some people who try by all means possible to “Assyrianize” the Aramean (Syrian) people by misusing some prophetical predications in the Holy Book the Bible. Although these individuals many times do attack the Holy Book by stating that it was forged by the “Jewish Prophets”, yet they quote the bible to convince others about the rise again of the Assyrian Empire. For example they point out on Isaiah 19:23-25 and on Matthew 12:41 where we respectively read,,When that time comes, there will be a highway between Egypt and Assyria. The people of those two countries will travel to and from between them, and the two nations will worship together. When that time comes, Israel will rank with Egypt and Assyria, and these three nations will be a blessing to all the world. The Lord Almighty will bless them and say, "I will bless you, Egypt My people; you Assyria, whom I created; and you Israel, My chosen people" (Isaiah 19:23-25)…. " On the Judgement Day the men of Nineveh will stand up and accuse you, because they turned from their sins when they heard Jonah preach; and I tell you that there is something here greater than Jonah" (Matthew 12:41)

The above mentioned quotation often is used by those Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" to prove the rise again of the "Assyrian" empire in the future. This theory is explained in many variations and "colours". They then say,, Look, the Bible speaks here about the rise again of Assyria", because we read "…the men of Nineveh will stand up…. So the nation will rise again, is their remark!

If we agree with this manner of the Scriptures explanation, then we get faced with a great problem, since suchlike "evidence" we also read in Matthew 12:42 and Psalms 87:4, namely ,, On judgement Day the Queen of Sheba will stand up and accuse you, because she travelled all the way from her country to listen to King Salomon’s wise teaching, and I assure you there is something here greater than Salomon!. " (Matthew 12:42)… ,, I will include Egypt and Babylonia when I list the nations that obey Me; I will number among the inhabitants of Jerusalem the people of Philistia, Tyre, and Sudan" (Psalms 87:4)

Now we get faced with insuperable problems! Can we say on the basis of Matthew 12:42 that the kingdom of the Queen of Sheba shall be restored too? And can we say on the basis of Psalms 87:4 that Babylonia will rise again? Is this reasonable to you? Egypt is now a country! What is the sense of mentioning Egypt? Please pay attention to the fact that the Lord first mentions up "Egypt and Assyria" and later on "Egypt and Babylonia". Why is this so? What is the sense of mentioning Israel, Egypt, Assur and Babylon? What did the Lord want to tell us by this quotation? In other words, what is the deeper sense of this quotation?

More questions: Why do those people also not talk about the rise again of the Chaldean Empire, why not about the Empire of Phoenicia? Why not about the Empire of Tyre? Sudan and Egypt are already a country. In Sudan many Christians are persecuted and crucified! How can this be explained? Such terrible and inhuman extremist Islamic regime can impossible be the people of God!

And please take this in consideration: When those Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" claim on the "Biblical basis" that the Assyrian Empire will rise again, then the Arameans who call themselves "Chaldeans" have exactly the same right to say that the Chaldean Empire or the Babylonian Empire will be restored. And please note here that the Chaldean Patriarch Rafael is called" The Patriarch of Babylon". The conclusion is then when those Arameans "Assyrians" claim their right on the basis of the Biblical promises, exactly in the same way also the Arameans "Chaldeans" have the right to claim their right on the basis of the Holy Book the Bible. The sad point is however, that those Arameans "Assyrians" attack in a ridiculous and shameless way the Arameans who call themselves "Chaldeans", because, they say" the Chaldean name is a religious one" . However, in that case also the "Assyrian" name is a religious one, whether they like it or not! In fact, everybody knows this! Please do not misunderstand me, because I am not the friend or the enemy of one side and visa versa. What I want to say is, that some people who think they are very smart, in reality they are very poor and have a lack of knowledge and wisdom! And the answer of the Holy Book to these people is then,, but they do not understand their own words or the matters about which they speak with such confidence" (1 Timothy 1:7)

We will turn back to our quotations! A few questions again can be asked:

  • Why special Egypt, Babylonia, Assur and Nineveh are involved?
  • What is actually the meaning of the mentioned sentences?
  • What is the meaning of "On judgement Day….."
  • What kind of day is this? When will this take place?
  • What is the meaning of "..When that time comes.."
  • What kind of "time" is that?

Dear reader, the Holy Book the Bible is not just a "toy" which you can play with! Oh no! On the contrary, in the Holy Bible is the Majesty, the Holiness and the Almighty of the Lord God revealed, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who deserves all honour and dignity in the infinity, Amen. Before continuing with our research, first I will mention a very important warning of the Apostle Peter regarding the Holy Scripture!

The Apostle Peter, the first Patriarch of the Syrian Church of Antioch, says,, .. some ignorant and unstable people explain falsely, as they do with other passages of the Scriptures. So they bring on their own destruction." (2 Peter 3: 16)

This is a warning, which certainly can not be ignored. It is a warning, which deals with the life, and the death. It is a warning to everybody who uses the Bible only for their own personal desires to mislead ignorant people! The Apostle is talking here about some lunatic and stupid people who use the Bible for their own desires and ideas. They change and falsify the Holy Bible to maintain and proclaim their own thoughts and ideas. In the holy Book the Bible the Lord God Himself is revealed. Well then, when you play with the Holy Book, means you play with the Majesty of the Lord God. That is the reason that the Apostle warns and says,, So they bring on their own destruction. This message is of course in particular aimed to those who falsify the Holy Book the Bible!

We should always be careful and pay great respect for the Word of God and ask the Lord for Wisdom and knowledge in order to understand His Word. We always should be extremely alert when we talk about the Holy Book the Bible. The warning of the Apostle should always be kept in our mind! Here below I shall try to explain the meaning of the quotations, summarised in a few points:

1. " Ashur", "Assur", "Assyria", "The Assyrian" and "Assyrians"

In Jewish and Christian books and comments they many times talk about "Ashur", "Assur", "Assyria", "The Assyrian" and "Assyrians".

After the destruction of the Assyrians these terms were continuously used to express the evilness of an arbitrary Empire, country or a nation. It has nothing to do with the origin or the ethnicity, but rather to point out on the badness of an arbitrary nation. Another very important point is that after the destruction of the Assyrian Empire many people and nations didn't know about the collapse of this strong Empire. Because of this reason some history writers considered the new inhabitants of the former Assur also as "Assyrians".

Ashur is used in the sense of the power (satanic) angels behind the scenes, it means the ‘god’Ashur, who are constantly busy to destroy the work of God.

Assur, Assyria is used to express the manifestation of Ashur in flesh and blood. Assyria is an appellation for peoples and nations who had /have a lot of hatred towards the people of Israel. It forms also a geographical description of the former Assyrian Empire. Some writers call some Arabic countries "Assyria" (= spiritual Assur) to underline the spiritual (hate) link with the former Assyrians. The same power angels, who had ruled over Ashur, they now rule over some Arabic - and other nations to create hatred towards the people of Israel and indirectly towards the Lord God! That is exactly the reason that Holy Bible says about the hatred towards the people of Israel,, Come, they say, "let us destroy their nation, so that Israel will be forgotten for ever" (Psalms 83:4)

The Assyrian or the King of the North is very famous term which is often used by the Christian writers to describe the evilness of the empire of the antichrist. They sometimes call the antichrist "the Assyrian" to express how terrible the period of the antichrist will be.

Assyrians are the inhabitants of the spiritual Assur, it can be a arbitrary country in the world. Adolf Hitler is sometimes described as the real "Assyrian" to underline the hatred he had towards the people of Israel.

2. Nineveh, Babel and Jerusalem

Taking a look at the Holy Bible, the attention is immediately attracted by two very famous cities, namely: Nineveh and Babel. Nineveh and Babel symbolise the hostile power of the human race against the Lord God, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Babel and Nineveh were always opposing Jerusalem, the city of King Jesus. The spiritual Babel of the "end time" is also called the great city where the demons and the immorality are raging (Revelation 18:1-24). Dear reader, I have a question to you: Does it mean that the Chaldean or the Babylonian Empire will be restored again, because the Bible is talking about Babel or Babylon? Certainly, this city shall be restored in the future! We read also that the "city" will be destroyed. This implies, that the Babylon was already build! However, what kind of Babylon is this in the deeper sense? What are the spiritual forces behind Babylon? And above all, is this literal or figurative Babylon?

Dear reader this is an anti Christian system called Babylon or Babel to express the Satanic origin of this system which shall be established at the time of the anti Christ. The origin of this system comes directly from the evil spirits. This means that, it has nothing to do with the establishment literal Babylon or the rise again of Babylonian or Chaldean Empire! In other words, the fact that the Bible is speaking about Babylon in Revelation 18:1-24, doesn't mean that this is the literal Babylon of Iraq, no, this is a spiritual Babylon with a Satanic/demonic origin controlled by the same demons or category of demons who also controlled the former Babylon. In other words, the Satanic spirit is the same, but the people and place are different, it is a different ethnicity, it is a different condition! This means that the inhabitants of this Babylon are of course not the former Babylonians, but the people who are under this evil political anti Christian system. Almost all of the Biblical scholars agree that this satanic system, described as Babylon in the Bible, will be introduced in Europe. From this we can understand that in the future Europe will become the Spiritual Babylon! It is possible that a big city in Europe will control the heart of this system! This city could be than called "Babylon", because it manages the satanic system! Furthermore, please note here that the Bible speaks about Babylon or Babel and not about Babylonians! This implies that the ethnicity is not involved, it is spiritual!

In accordance with the previous, the name Nineveh, Assur, Assyrians and Assyria is used to express the evilness of a arbitrary country or a person. Nineveh, Babel or Babylon are the places of rebellion against the Lord God. It was in Babylon that the human race said,, Now let us build a city with a tower that reaches the sky, so that we can make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the earth" (Genesis 11:4)

This was the first rebellion against the Lord God. They want to "climb to the sky", it is to be equal as God Himself. They want to demonstrate their knowledge and "know how" to show that they are not less than the Lord God. They want to make a name for themselves in order not to be forgotten in history. However this city, with the big tower, was destroyed, BUT the Spiritual forces of this City are still working making people rebel against the Lord God. That is exactly the reason we hear about Babylon in Revelation 18:1-24. It makes no sense to say that this is the literal Babylon, on the contrary, even a child knows that this is the Spiritual Babylon! However, it is called Babylon to express the evil origin of this anti-Christian system.

One example more! In Revelation 11:1-14 we read about the two witnesses of the Lord who will preach the Good News during the government of Antichrist in Jerusalem in the "End Time". The Antichrist shall finally kill these two witnesses of the Lord God as we read in verse 7-8,, When they finish proclaiming their message, the beast that comes up out of the abyss will fight against them. He will defeat them and kill them, and their bodies will lie in the street of the great city, where their Lord was crucified. The symbolic name of that city is Sodom, or Egypt"

Sodom and Egypt are cities of filthy, adultery, moral decay, and idols, satanic spirits etceteras (Genesis 19). Jerusalem is always described as the "Holy City". However, at the time of antichrist the godlessness in Jerusalem shall reach such a high extent that it can be compared with the godlessness in Sodom and Egypt. That is the reason that the symbolic name of Jerusalem will be called Sodom and Egypt, because the Satanic Spirits of Sodom and Egypt will then rule over Jerusalem during the government of Antichrist.

 3. Assyria, Egypt and Babylon

Now I shall continue with the discussion of Isaiah 19:23-25 "When that time comes, there will be a highway between Egypt and Assyria. The people of those two countries will travel to and fro between them, and the two nations will worship together. When that time comes, Israel will rank with Egypt and Assyria, and these three nations will be a blessing to all the world. The Lord Almighty will bless them and say, "I will bless you, Egypt My people; you Assyria, whom I created; and you Israel, My chosen people". and Psalms 87:4 "I will include Egypt and Babylonia when I list the nations that obey Me; I will number among the inhabitants of Jerusalem the people of Philistia, Tyre, and Ethiopia"

Note here that the Lord God speaks of Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Tyre, Philistia and Sudan. However, the Lord does not SPEAK of: Assyrains, Egyptians, Babylonians, Tyrians, Philistines and Sudanians. This means that the ethnicity is not of interest! The geography is here involved and not the former people of these countries!

Assur (or Assyria), Egypt and Babylonia: These three countries have persecuted the people of Israel. All of them were the enemies of the Lord God. In Exodus 2:23 we read about the behaviour of Egypt,, … but the Israelites were still groaning under their slavery and cried out for help….. The answer of the Lord is then,, I have seen how cruel my people are being treated in Egypt; I have heard them cry out to be rescued from their slave-drivers (Exodus 3:7). And in Isaiah 52:3 we read,, The Sovereign Lord says to His people, "When you became slaves, no money was paid for you; in the same way nothing will be paid to set you free. When you went to live in Egypt as foreigners, you did so of your own free will; Assyria, however took you away by force and paid nothing for you. And now in Babylonia the same thing has happened…."

Please pay attention again to the tree enemies of Israel, namely": Assyria, Egypt and Babylonia!". And these tree enemies of Israel will become friends of Israel when Jesus Christ will be the King in Jerusalem.

Philistia: The country of the former Philistians who were constant in war with the people of Israel, the enemies of Israel. Please don’t confuse this with the present-day Arabs under the leadership of Arafat calling themselves "Palestinians" (Jeremiah 47:1-7)

Tyre: This was the trade centre of Phoenicia. This city became later a city of idols and godlessness!

I repeat again, if those Arameans "assyrians" say that Assyria will be restored, then also the Arameans "Chaldeans" have the same right, based on the Biblical promises, to say that their nation will be restored too! How about this? Chaldean Empire and the Assyrian Empire within the same boundaries? Is this logical to you? And what about Tyre! Will Tyre also be restored? Please tell this to fundamentalist Islamic party Hizb Állah of Lebanon! They will be grateful to hear that our Bible is "supporting" them. It is really amusing and funny!

4. That time comes ……..

In the article … The thousand years Kingdom of Jesus Christ…Jesus Christ will be the king of this world…He will rule in JerusalemI have explained in detail the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. One of discussed sentences was Isaiah 19:23-25.

Isaiah 19:23-25 starts with "When that time comes…." This is well-known term in the Holy Book the Bible. It is always pointing out on the 1000 years Empire of Jesus Christ or the End Time! Exactly the same beginning we also read in Isaiah 2:1-5 (see also 11:1-9, 65:18-25, Micah 4:1-9),, In days to come the mountain where the temple stands will be the highest one of all, towering above all the hills. Many nations will come streaming to it, and their people will say, "Let us go up the hill of the Lord, to the Temple of Israel's God. He will teach us what He wants us to do; we will walk in the paths He has chosen. For the Lord's teaching comes from Jerusalem; from Zion He speaks to His people". He will settle disputes among great nations. They will hammer their swords into ploughs and their spears into pruning-knives. Nations will never again go to war, never prepare for battle again"

This handles about the thousand years Empire of Jesus Christ. When Jesus Christ will be the King in Jerusalem, there will be everywhere peace on this earth. The former geographical enemies of Israel will become the friends of Israel, because there will be everywhere peace on this world. However, there is another point which also should be discussed! The countries Egypt, Babylonia, Assur, Sudan, Tyre, and Philistia also represent the world of that time! This means that Jesus Christ shall rule the whole world, there will be no hostility anymore between nations. This is exactly the reason when the Bible,, God is King over all the world; praise Him with songs! God sits on His sacred throne; He rules over the nations" (Psalms 47:7-8)

The true Christians will rein together with Jesus Christ the world. The mentioned Bible places say nothing about the ethnicity of the inhabitants of Assyria, Egypt or Babylonia, but it says about the geographical enemies of Israel, because the whole world shall be forced to obey Jesus Christ, including the mentioned countries!

For example, if we take a look at Tyre, then it can be situated in the region of the present-day Sidon in Lebanon. The Hizb’Allah does not obey Jesus Christ! However, in the future also Tyre shall obey Jesus Christ, regardless the ethnicity of the people of Tyre.

5. The men of Nineveh, the Queen of Sheba, general Naaman the Aramean

The previous mentioned quotation "On the Judgement Day the men of Nineveh will stand up and accuse you, because they turned from their sins when they heard Jonah preach; and I tell you that there is something here greater than Jonah" (Matthew 12:41)

The same words we also hear about the queen of Sheba when Jesus Christ says to the people of Israel,, On judgement Day the Queen of Sheba will stand up and accuse you, because she travelled all the way from her country to listen to King Salomon’s wise teaching, and I assure you there is something here greater than Salomon!. " (Matthew 12:42)

Jesus Christ complains here about the unfaithfulness of the People of Israel. He mentions here the men of Nineveh and the Queen of Sheba as an example. The Lord had performed many wonders for their eyes but they remained still unfaithful. Then the Lord gives them the example of the Queen of Sheba and the men of Nineveh to wake them up! In the same way, also the Lord gave the recovery of General Naaman the Aramean as an example to the people of Israel as we can we read in Luke 4:27,, And there were many people suffering from dreaded skin-disease who lived in Israel during the time of the prophet Elisha; yet not one of them was healed, but only Naaman the Syrian "

What then, does it mean that the Assyrian Empire will rise again, because the Lord did speak about the men of Nineveh? Or the Kingdom of the Queen of Sheba will be restored again? What kind of nonsense is this? What kind of stupidity is this? This is really childish! Does it mean when the Lord says "….. men of Nineveh shall rise…. "that Assyrian Empire will be restored? No dear reader, certainly not! However, the question is, what kind of "rise" is here meant?

In the article "The coming of Jesus Christ, the coming of Anti-Christ and the End of this World" I have explained in detail the resurrection of the True Christians. Regarding this resurrection, the Apostle Paul says,, Listen to this secret truth: We shall not all die, but when the last trumpet sounds, we shall be changed in an instant, as quickly as the blinking of an eye. For when the trumpet sounds, the dead will be raised, never to die again, and we shall be changed. For what is mortal must be changed into what is immortal; what will die must be changed into what cannot"( 1 Corinthians 15:51-53).

The Apostle continues and says,, Our brothers, we want you to know the truth about those who have died, so that you will not be sad, as are those who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will take back with Jesus those who have died believing in Him. What we are teaching you now is the Lord's teaching: we who are alive on the day the Lord comes will not go ahead of those who have died. There will be the shout of the command, the archangel's voice, the sound of God's trumpet, and the Lord Himself will come down from heaven. Those who have died believing in Christ will rise to life first; then we who are living at that time will be gathered up along with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord" (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17).

These are the True Christians of all ages (the Old Testament and the New Testament), before and after the coming of Jesus Christ, including the CONVERTED men of Nineveh, the Queen of Sheba and General Naaman the Aramean. All of these True Christens will "rise again" ,it means those who have died believing in Christ will rise, and be picked up by Jesus Christ and after this the time of anti-Christ shall start on this world. After 7 years (some say 3.5 years) Jesus Christ shall come back to this world and the 1000 years government of Jesus Christ shall start in Jerusalem. See for more detailed information regarding the 1000 years government of Jesus Christ the article on internet .

In the same article I also have explained in detail the task of the True Christians. Regarding the Task of the True Christians, our Lord Jesus Christ, among others, says:

  1. ,, To those who win the victory I will give you the right to sit beside Me on My throne, just as I have been victorious and now sit by My Father in the heaven on His throne" (Revelation 3:21)
  2. To those who win the victory, who continue to the end to do what I want, I will give the same authority that I received from My Father: I will give them authority over the nations, to rule them with an iron rod and break them to pieces like clay pots"( Revelation 2:26-27)
  3. You have stayed with Me all through My trials; and just as My Father has given Me the right to rule, so I will give you the same right. You will eat and drink at My table in My Kingdom, and you will sit on thrones… " (Luke 22:28-29)

And this is exactly the reason that our Lord Jesus Christ says,, On the Judgement Day the men of Nineveh will stand up and accuse you, because they turned from their sins when they heard Jonah preach; and I tell you that there is something here greater than Jonah (Matthew 12:41)….. On judgement Day the Queen of Sheba will stand up and accuse you, because she travelled all the way from her country to listen to King Salomon’s wise teaching, and I assure you there is something here greater than Salomon!. " (Matthew 12:42)

This has nothing to do with the rise again of Assyria, or about the rise again of the Kingdom of Sheba, but it tells something about the resurrection of the True Christians and the 1000 years Empire of Jesus Christ. Advise to those zealous people is: Please stop with legends and myths, but pay more attention to the Words of the Lord! And everybody knows this inside the Christianity! However I must admit, some of them have a lot of imagination and fantasy!

On judgement day (Matthew 25:31-46, Revelation 20:11-15), after the time of the anti-Christ, Jesus Christ shall come to this world to establish the 1000 years Empire. The Holy True Christians will then have the authority to judge the enemies of the Lord, it means those who refused Jesus Christ. The men of Nineveh and the Queen of Sheba shall stand up as witnesses, in the presence of the Lord, and accuse those who have refused Jesus Christ.

6. Conclusion

Dear reader, I do really hope that from the previous point becomes very clear that it is ridiculous and nonsense to say that the former Assyrian Empire will rise again based on Isaiah 19:23-25 and Matthew 12:41. These Bible verses do not deal with the rise of Assyria, but with the resurrection of the True Christians and with the establishment of the 1000 years government of Jesus Christ! In fact it is obvious to everybody inside the Christian world! However, the sad point is that some people try to apply the Holy Bible in such a way that it "matches" with their imaginations and thoughts! But this is not Scripture explanation, on the contrary, it is like the Apostle Peter says,, So they bring on their own destruction"

And then this…..

Dear reader, taking a look at the Holy Bible, it becomes very clear that all of the Holy Apostles and Prophets warn the True Christians for false teachings. The Apostle Paul says for example,, "…fierce wolves will come among you, and they will not spare the flock. The time will come when some men from your own group will tell lies to lead the believers away after them" (Acts 20:29-30)

These "fierce wolves " are the false teachers inside the community who falsify the Holy Bible and introduce their own teachings based on their own desires and thoughts in order to lead the people in astray. Again the Apostles says,, The time will come when people will not listen to sound doctrine, but will follow their own desires and will collect for themselves more and more teachers who will tell them what they are itching to hear. They will turn away from listening to the truth and give their attention to legends. But you must keep control of yourself in all circumstances……." (2 Timothy 3:3-4)

The remarkable and the astonishing thing here is, that Holy Bible explicitly says that the "people will not listen to sound doctrine" . So, they will refuse to listen to the Truth of the Holy Bible. They will just follow the lie! The Truth hurts very much and so they are only interested in following their own desires! And this explains why the false leaders will have so much success inside such a terrible fake Christian community! They turn away not because they are ignorant, no certainly not! This implies that they are doing this very deliberately, without any pressure and certainly voluntarily. Nobody is forcing them! Those people are only interested in legends, myths and their own desires and they become slaves of that! That is also the reason when we read in the Bible: "They say they are wise, but they are fools…. (Romans 1:22) and in Titus 1:16 we read: "They claim that they know God, but their actions deny it." The explanation for such terrible behaviour is also given in the Bible when we read,, They do not believe, because their mind have been kept in the dark by the evil god of this world. He keeps them from seeing the light shining on them, the light that comes from the Good News about the Glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God"